When we first found out that we had Shaded sables in this litter, mom wanted to name one Bronze. Bronze didn't really seem like a girls name, so we decided that the first boy that we saw that was shaded sable we would name Bronze. So he was Bronze for the first six weeks of his life. The week before he was born, a friend down the road had a litter of pups, and we had a lot of fun seeing them grow along with our pups. At week four for my litter, we went over to see the friend's litter. My little brother Garrett decided that he wanted a dog, and this lady was giving her's away for free. He thought, why not get his own dog. On the way home, he asked me about what I would think if he got a dog. We decided that if he could show me that he was able to take care of a dog then he could have one of my pups. I told him that the dog must be fixed, so that there would be no breeding issues, and he needed to have enough money to pay for food 6 months in advance. In my mind I thought he was going to get one out of another litter, but within an hour, he had called 3 vets to compare prices for both spaying a dog or neutering it, in case the dog that matched the temperament he wanted was either gender. So he said he wanted one of these pups as he put the money for the food on the counter in front of me. He filled out the questionnaire and did lots of weighing the options on these pups. He knew what he was looking for, and now he is fast becoming a great owner to a wonderful dog.
First day! |
Xavier is a wonderful, sweet tempered dog, who bonded with Garrett immediately. He loves anybody and everybody, and will do anything for a scratch behind the ear. He has very little interest in herding or anything serious. Garrett and him spend lots of time just sitting in the shade cuddling. He is super smart and is learning to sit and stay by watching his parents. He's a big, husky pup and will out weigh both his sire and dam. He has been pretty regularly the biggest pup of the litter. I am super excited to see how he grows, and matures!
Week 1 |
Week 2 |
Week 3 |
Week 4 |
Week 5 |
Week 6 |
Week 7 |
Week 8 |
Week 9 |
Week 10 |
Week 13 |
Here are some Pictures that didn't make it to Facebook.
This picture was taken by a very good friend of mine. He is in between 3 and 4 weeks old |
Xavier from the very start has wanted to be in the middle of attention. |
Garrett's best friend really fell in love with Xavier |
Shea, one of my brothers, got this really cool picture of father and son. |
Garrett and his new Boy!! |